7.1 D

 Write a post in which you:

  • Describe your own experiences with social class and classism. Provide an example to illustrate.
  • Then, after reviewing your Week 1 Who I Am video, explain whether you referred to social class in your video. Why or why not?

Hello. Hello everyone. My name is MRS.Rosa. I wanted to start off by saying, what do I think about myself

and want others to know? I am a mother, a wife, a friend, a daughter, a sister. I am the type of person

that if you need anything, I’m here to help anytime, any day, even if it’s in

the middle of the night. There’s friends have called me because various reasons and

I’ve always been there. I have four jobs. I am a case manager and

where I live at now, I also do sore applications, which is a disability for

clients in another location. I am a assessment intake. I do the bio psycho socials

and treatment plans. Then I drive 3.5 hours to Miami for a I’m a supervisor in the

Children’s Crisis Unit. I’ve been working

there for many years. I’ve been in this field of mental health for

ten plus years. I just have a passion

for helping people. I’ve worked and

helped from kids, families to adults, homeless populations,

substance abuse. Um, that’s, that’s my passion. That’s why I want

to do social work. What do I bring to the

social work profession? I what I bring my experience, my passion for helping people. What does this connect

to your desire to become culturally

competitive social worker? Why do you include the

social work matters to you? I think I covered that. I’m also Cuban American. My family is from Cuba. Um, my dad is American, but my maternal family is Cuban. I was born here and all my kids were also born

in the United States. I do say that I was

raised Catholic, and throughout my adulthood, in my marriage, I

became a Christian. My kids are also Christian. I would say that in our culture we’re

very family oriented. I believe, just like every other culture, we’re also hard. I had the impression

and the idea, and I also like

seen it for myself that Cubans just like to invent. We invent things such as if we can’t build something

out of metal and screws, we’re just going to

invent with a string. I have noticed that. Yeah, I think that’s about it. What I, what I would like to in, about this class would be, I guess, characteristics of

more culture identities. I do have a lot to learn

of different cultures. I have learned some

different cultures, but I would like to

learn a lot more. Maybe it would also

improve in my social work in the future to learn the

different types of cultures. I just want to say welcome guys. Keep up the hard work. We’re almost there. Goodbye.


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