Observe at least one Grade K-3 classroom. The classroom must have English language learners. Work with an individual student or small group of students identified with your mentor teacher during Clinical Field Experience A. If possible, focus on instructional or support activities related to the discussion with your mentor. Examples of activities include conducting a reading mini-lesson targeting a foundational reading skill; providing vocabulary instruction and practice within a content area; creating a targeted lesson based on student data to address a discrete element of language; and administering an assessment as a part of progress monitoring.
Following the observation, discuss with your mentor teacher the progress made and next steps for working with the student or group of students. Plan how you will continue to support the students during the next field experience. Collaborate on how you can respect and promote the linguistic and cultural differences of the individual learners you are working with.
Write a 250-500 word reflection summarizing your observations and discussion. Include a reflection of how you supported the language acquisition needs of the students you worked with. Address how what you have learned will affect your future professional practice. Include how you will support the student or group of students in additional field experiences.