Respond to Toya post

Hello class,

My name is Latoya Banks, I am 41 years old mother of 4. Three girls and a boy. I am attending SNHU, for Healthcare Administration. If all goes the way I want it, I will be graduating in the summer June of 2027. My passion is to open up a nursing home/homeless shelter. Of course not both in the same building but my heart ❤️ is just so big and I’m trying to make sure everyone gets a piece of it. I have taken care of many family members in my time, and taking care of people is what I love to do. So by the time I graduate my goal will have been reached. Pray for me class as we go through this journey together. We all can do this. And we got this.

In your response posts to at least two of your peers, address the following:

  • Explain how the examples your peers described are similar to your own example. Discuss why you think those elements of leadership and management might be effective for the organization.
  • Explain one to two similarities or differences between your leadership experience and your peers’ experiences.


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