For this assignment you will consider the approaches to psychotherapy that you have learned about in this course and examine how you can develop an integrative perspective to psychotherapy. You will do a write up in which you will address the following:

  1. Define psychotherapy integration and why it is has gathered increased attention in recent years?
  2. Discuss specific advantages to integrating psychotherapies.
  3. Explore some of the challenges associated with developing an integrative approach, and how those challenges could be overcome.
  4. Identify at least TWO (2) theories that you would integrate in your own practice and describe how you could effectively draw techniques from various theories.
  5. Examine the concept of “session feedback” from the client. How can this hinder or enhance therapeutic outcomes?
  6. Discuss how the integration of counseling theories could address multicultural issues in clinical practice.
  7. Can spiritual and religious values (or absence thereof) of the client and therapist be ethically AND effectively integrated into counseling practice? If so, how?

NOTE: While you may reference the textbook for this assignment, you are also expected to incorporate a MINIMUM of 5 peer reviewed and scholarly articles.


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