Can you please help me understand this?
1. The Introduction to Reading, Writing, and Rising Up by Linda Christensen.
2. Choose one of these two articles and write an article summary. The summary should include a brief summary of the chosen article but then an exploration of how the article matters – in relation to the Introduction to the Christensen text, how it matters within your own classroom community, how it matters as teachers and as human beings. – A Care Plan for Honest History and Difficult Conversations
OR – Inclusive School Communities
Assignment One: Article Summary –
Please choose one of the above articles combined with the Introduction by Linda Christensen and in five paragraph exploration – explore what Christensen imparted, the article you chose and why, if the article relates to Christensen’s introduction and how all of this matters to building community, providing safe spaces, allowing for vulnerability in our pedagogy and how to be certain we create classrooms where every child feels seen, heard, and valued. Please use APA 7 conventions.