

Respond to two colleagues:

  • Select one of their examples to review further.
  • Research and report on a situation in which that group experienced treatment on the other end of the spectrum of oppression or privilege, either in the present day or during an earlier historical period.

 Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.


Religion creates a strong connection between groups of people in their social interactions, political viewpoints, and world views. These connections can create an us vs them mentality as it shapes their reality (Marsiglia et al., 2021).

People thrive in social situations and continue to thrive as they identify individuals with the same beliefs as they do. These communities often overpower minority groups, influencing community functions such as laws, politics, and education (Wienclaw, 2021). The Religious Landscape Study (n.d) identified several regions with higher participation than other religions. For example, states that have higher participation in a “tightly run” religious belief strongly influence the drive for government funding, abortion laws, LGBTQ resources, etc.

The LGBTQ community faces challenges within and outside religion. If a religion does not see LGBTQ as a valid and authentic way of life, community members might be pushed aside and feel forced to hide who they are or risk the feeling of being ostracized in their community. Knowing that highly populated religious states are influenced by the religious community, the LGBTQ community risks not having safe spaces and resources to utilize.

An example of religious privilege in my community is an organization that runs a series of homeless and domestic violence shelters. If they do not identify as Christian, they can still seek refuge at the shelters, but other religious services and accommodations are not offered.


The relationship between privilege and religion is a complicated subject with numerous aspects. Some people may find privilege in their religion, while others may face religious oppression. “Unearned advantages or benefits that are granted to individuals based on their membership in a particular social group” is the definition of privilege (Marsiglia et al., 2020). Privilege can manifest itself in several forms for members of a specific religion, such as exclusive access to social networks, opportunities, and resources. Christian politicians can discuss their faith without losing nearly as many votes as Muslim politicians, and American Christians may enjoy privileges like as the freedom to publicly say “Merry Christmas” (Wienclaw, 2021).

On the other hand, when members of certain religious groups experience prejudice, marginalization, or structural disadvantages, it is clear that they are the victims of religious oppression. Wienclaw (2021) emphasizes that historical conflicts, misunderstandings, and preconceptions can serve as the foundation for oppression. For example, Muslims have experienced violence, harassment, and discrimination in the US because of their religious convictions (Pew Research Centre, n.d.). Some Muslims have experienced discrimination due to their faith in terms of jobs, housing, and other chances. A terrifying reminder of the terrible effects of religious persecution can be found in events such as Deborah Yakubu’s a female Christian student untimely death in Nigeria, where she was set on fire for having a different perspective from the majority Muslim population (Marsiglia et al., 2021). Such events cause long-lasting harm to people and communities by promoting fear, hatred, and isolation. They are driven by misconceptions and past disputes (Wienclaw, 2021).

In summary, there are numerous aspects and a complex relationship between privilege and religion. While some religious people may have privileges, others may face discrimination because of their beliefs. It is critical to acknowledge these problems and endeavor to build a more just and equitable society for all people, irrespective of their affiliations or beliefs.


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