Cost and Supply Curve Response

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Healthcare supply curves can influence can have to do with shortage, it is expensive for therapy.  When it comes to Long term care hospital payment rates of staggering negatives of 2.5%.  When it has to do with new technologies they are making a supply curve.   Looking over them can be some patients and healthcare workers also can cause a shift in the supply curve.  Healthcare workforce shortages, healthcare affordability, healthcare quality, and healthcare innovation.  For example you are working in a facility that is short staff so they are hired for nurses, front office, you don’t have the funds to cover the nurses that work because the price of healthcare is very expensive.  Just to see a Physical therapy it is over a thousand dollars and that there prices to see one to get some of the muscles tissues back in place.  It is important to mention that the initial implementation of the cost for the technologies can lead to a change to the left of the curve for a short period.


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