Journal 3

After completing the weekly readings, provide a thorough response in your own words to the weekly questions posted below. Please make sure you submit a one-word document with all your answers. A minimum of 550 words and a maximum of 700 words (font size 12, single-spaced) are required for each complete assignment. Please follow APA format in your work. Please remember to include one or two sentences identifying the habits of mind  (Links to an external site.)you have used to promote the reflection of the readings.

  1. From Chapter 3. What similarities or legacy do you see of the educational policies implemented during the 1983-1993 reform period to today’s reforms? How are they similar? Who were the stakeholders involved in the decisions back then and today?
  2. In the reforms described in chapter 4, the authors explore ways in which they have impacted the grammar of schooling and how they shape the modern school system (Provide a specific example of such reform in today’s school system). What, in your opinion, is the most significant of the reforms described in this chapter, and why? 

    The Politics of American Education- Chapter 1

  3. Joel Spring explains in chapter 1 that there are three questions in the politics of education that shape how decisions are made. Select a current issue in education and analyze it through the lenses of how the three questions influence (for better or worse) the decision-making of your selected issue. 


  • Tyack & Cuban: Tinkering Toward Utopia,
    • Chapters 3 and 4
  • The Politics of American Education,
    • Chapter 1


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