unit 4 lab


Unit 4 Lab: Working With Compressed Files in Linux

Outcomes addressed in this activity:

Unit Outcomes:

  • Perform basic file management.
  • Manage disk quotas.
  • Manage file permission and ownership.

Course Outcome:

IT275-2: Configure the key features of the Linux operating system.


Managing disk space, file permissions, and compression are necessary parts of being a system administrator. In this week’s lab, you will perform these activities and compress files in Linux.

Lab Instructions

Review the Unit 4 Lab Rubric (under Course Resources, then Grading Rubrics) before beginning this activity.

  1. Using the techniques discussed in the readings, complete the lab in A Cloud Guru called “Working with Compressed Files in Linux.”

    You will have 2 hours to complete the lab. Please download the lab guide for the usernames and passwords needed for this lab. You are going to ssh using PuTTy to the server outlined in the lab guide and run the command echo your name `date`. Note: The ` symbol is next to the number 1 on your keyboard.

  2. Take screen captures of the aforementioned information, along with the output in the “Try out different compression methods,” “Create tar files using the different compression methods,” and “Practice reading compressed text files” sections.
  3. Finally, write a paragraph on what you have learned in this lab and any items you still need to have explained.


Lab Requirements

Your lab document should include:

  • Required screenshots, as outlined in the Instructions tab, pasted inside a Microsoft Word document. Multiple screen captures are okay.
  • A paragraph describing what you learned and what you still have questions about.
  • Both in-text citations and references for all sources. For more information on APA style formatting, go to the resources under the Academic Tools area of this course.
  • No spelling, grammar, or APA style errors.

Also, review the University policy on plagiarism. If you have any questions, please contact your professor.


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