Computer Science springboot maven mysql online shopping cart assignment for college

its simple college project not required in professional way. current requirement is 

Q2: Create two web forms in your application which must contain different fields to take user input corresponding to the defined entities/tables created for the Q1. For example, regarding an online music store application, one form should ask the user to input all information related to Albums while the second form should ask the user to input all information related to the Singers. Create a SpringBoot application deployed on port 8080 which receives form data via POST request and stores the submitted data (e.g., in a JSON file) in the resource folder of your application. You must create at least two separate files for each of the two web forms submitted to receive user input. All subsequent entries by the users for forms submission should be appended in the corresponding JSON files.

Q3: Deploy another SpringBoot service on Port 8081. Expose endpoints which receive a GET request from your front-end application and returns a JSON object containing a list of objects (items/products/albums) depending on your application. These objects should correspond to your entities stored in JSON objects from Q1 and Q2. You can read files either at application start-up or on each request. Data received from the SpringBoot service should be displayed on your front-end application in a tabular form or any other appropriate format.

Q4: Please extend the SpringBoot Service from Q3 so you can fetch additional data from the second JSON file on the relevant object selection. For example, in Q3 when you have displayed all data from the Albums files, on clicking the foreign key attribute (e.g. Singer ID) , you should send Singer ID as a query or path parameters to the new controller endpoint, find relevant data and display it to the user.


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