Diversity in correctional leadership ?

The Term Paper Assignment will consist of at least 12 double-spaced pages (excluding title page, references, figures, illustrations, or other extraneous elements outside the main body of the paper). Students will format their paper using 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins. Students will use at least 15 scholarly references (Wikipedia or blogs CANNOT be used as a reference). APA 7th Edition guidelines are to be followed. For the paper you are to select a major issue in criminal justice leadership and present original practice and/or policy recommendations to address the selected issue. The structure of the assignment must include the following sections and mandatory headings: 

  1. Title Page
  2. Abstract
  3. Introduction: Your Introduction should have a “hook’, a clear thesis statement that starts with the phrase: “The purpose of this paper is…..”, and a roadmap for the material that will be covered in the paper. 
  4. Description of the Criminal Justice Leadership Issue 
  5. Literature Review of the Criminal Justice Leadership Issue
  6. Original Policy and/or Practice Recommendations to Address the Leadership Issue
  7. Strengths and Weaknesses of the Proposed Original Policy and/or Practice Recommendations to Address the Leadership Issue
  8. Conclusion: Should be one paragraph long
  9. References


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