Respond to these two discussion posts

Respond to these two discussions in your own words. With a turn it in report

 1. The terminology used to communicate esoteric topics is the basic problem with social science research methodologies. The terminology of research methodologies is meant to be simple. To get data in a fashion that is scientifically sound when social science research methodologies arise. There are several methods to get data now, but only a limited number of scientifically sound ways to do it (Introduction: The Tools of Social Science Research, n.d.).
Research tools:
Surveys: Surveys often include closed-ended questions with prepared answer options for the respondent. Surveys are regarded as having a “quantitative” character. This is so that even if the option selections are words, they may still be given a number identification. Coding is the process of giving words a numerical identification.
Interviews: A qualitative research technique known as an interview, which focuses on the collection of data via the use of questions, Two or more people participate in interviews; one of them is the interviewer who asks the questions.
Field observation: provide context information about situations, interactions, or people. a helpful tool for creating research ideas
Experimentation: For those in the physical sciences and a variety of other professions, experimental research is the sort of study design they are most accustomed to. Mostly due to the fact that experimental research is a type of traditional scientific experiment.
Questionaire: a research instrument that asks respondents a series of questions in order to get valuable information. These tests include an interview-style approach and either written or spoken questions.
Existing data: sources are needed in order to make an eligibility assessment.
Tools used to gather data include case studies, checklists, interviews, sometimes observation, surveys, and questionnaires. As research is conducted in various ways and for various goals, it is crucial to choose the instruments for collecting data.
Although “research tool” refers to the method utilized in research, “research instrument” refers to the methods, procedures, and means employed in data collection (What Is the Difference Between Research Tool and Research Instrument?, n.d.).
Introduction: The Tools of Social Science Research. (n.d.). Introduction: The Tools of Social Science Research: Government & Law Book Chapter | IGI Global.
What is the difference between research tool and research instrument? (n.d.).

2. The difference between research tools and instruments is that whereas instruments establish processes, measures, and means by which the study itself is conducted – more in line with research methodologies – research tools are the means themselves which researchers utilize to gather the information. Most commonly, research tools are exhibited through the use of surveys, interviews, observations, questionnaires, and other methods of obtaining social research information (Babbie, 2015). However, there are some more complex research tools, such as critical incident technique, which utilize aspects of more than one of the aforementioned research tools. The critical incident technique employs the use of surveys and questionnaires to collect data which spells out the key performance objectives of a range of disciplines. Most often, it is used to evaluate the performance and critical objectives of roles for pilots (i.e., the original implementation of this technique in 1954), health care workers, dental workers, and public safety administrators (Viergever, 2019).
                Research tools may be analyzed either qualitatively or quantitatively, the means by which is entirely determined by the nature of the respective tool as some tools are specifically designed to collect and project data by means of one or the other (Babbie, 2015). In the case of the critical incident technique discussed above, it is solely designed to be a qualitative research tool. This doesn’t, however, mean that quantitative data cannot be determined by implementing other research tools in conjunction with the qualitative data collected. But, given the nature of the critical incident technique being used to determine factors, events, and behaviors associated with a professional role, the results are necessary in a qualitative form (Viergever, 2019).

Babbie, E. (2015). The practice of social research (14th ed.). Cengage Learning.
Viergever, R. F. (2019). The critical incident technique: Method or methodology? Qualitative Health Research, 29(7), 1065–1079.


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