Identify Connections Between SEL and Trauma-Informed Classroom Practices

The terms instructional practice and instructional strategy incorporate a wide range of techniques educators use to support student learning.

Consider adding ideas to the strategies in the second column. The ones already listed are the same strategies presented in a lesson. In the third column, focus on instructional strategies for teaching academics. Identify instructional strategies for helping students practice social-emotional skills while learning academic content. It is important to describe the strategy and not simply list it. For example, listing an instructional strategy like “cooperative groups” is the first step.You would then need to elaborate how cooperative groups can be used for students to practice the skills associated with the corresponding SEL  competency.

Relationship skills are one of the five Social Emotional Learning (SEL)  competencies, the other four include self-awareness, social awareness,  self- management, and responsible decision-making (CASEL, 2020).  Integrating these competencies into the daily functioning of the classroom lays the foundation for safe and supportive classroom culture.


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