Critical Thinking Questions

1) What do you think of the differences in the forms in which states have legalized marijuana? In about half of the states it is still illegal to possess, and in the other half it is legal to possess mostly for medical purposes, but at least five states have now legalized possession of small amounts for recreational purposes. Some of these states put it on the ballot and let the people decide whether or not to legalize it. What do you think about the fact that the people have voted to legalize marijuana but federally it is still illegal? Should anything be done by the federal government to step in and make the laws uniform across the country, either invalidating the ballot votes, or changing federal law to legalize or decriminalize possession?2) Some people have criticized alternative dispute resolution and diversion programs as picking the least serious offenders for participation and then lauding their success. There have also been criticisms of gender and race disparity in acceptance into these programs. Should these programs attempt to treat and reform more serious offenders? What could be done to the eligibility criteria for these programs to ensure that they are not discriminating with regard to which cases get diverted and which remain in the traditional court system?


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