READ- The purpose of the article was to assess the incidence of CAUTI and evaluate the effectiveness of an evidence-based practice protocol for the prevention of CAUTI in adult critical care patients. The study aimed to determine whether implementing an evidence-based practice protocol would reduce the incidence of CAUTI in the study population. The research design used in the study was a quasi-experimental, pre-post intervention design, which involved comparing the incidence of CAUTI before and after implementing the evidence-based practice protocol. This design allowed the researchers to determine the effectiveness of the protocol in reducing the incidence of CAUTI in the study population.

The sample population consisted of adult critical care patients who had urinary catheters inserted at a tertiary care hospital in India. A total of 180 patients were included in the study, and the data was collected between January 2019 and December 2019. The data collection methods used in the study included chart review and semi-structured interviews with 30 nurses who were involved in implementing the evidence-based practice protocol. The chart review was used to collect quantitative data on the incidence of CAUTI before and after the intervention, while the interviews were used to collect qualitative data on the nurses’ perceptions of the protocol.

The study found that implementing the evidence-based practice protocol resulted in a significant reduction in the incidence of CAUTI in the study population. The incidence rate decreased from 12.22 per 1000 catheter-days before the intervention to 2.81 per 1000 catheter-days after the intervention, resulting in a 77% reduction. The qualitative analysis also showed that the nurses found the protocol useful, easy to follow, and helpful in improving communication and knowledge among team members.

 A strength of the study is the use of a pre-post intervention design that allows for the evaluation of the effectiveness of the evidence-based practice protocol. Another strength is the use of both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods, which provide a comprehensive understanding of the study outcomes. A study limitation is that it was conducted at a single hospital, which may limit the generalizability of the findings to other settings. Additionally, the study did not include a control group, which limits the ability to definitively explore the reduction in CAUTI incidence to the evidence-based practice protocol.

Based on the findings, healthcare facilities should consider implementing evidence-based practice protocols to reduce the incidence of CAUTI in adult critical care patients. Approaches that limit the use of urinary catheters are crucial to reduce the risk of infection. Future research could further explore the effectiveness of evidence-based practice protocols in other healthcare settings.

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