
understanding classroom management in this assignment, you will create a classroom management plan based on classroom instruction, course readings, and research.  Your plan should be 5 pages, excluding cover and reference pages, or less in 12 point Times Roman font. Your plan can be doubled spaced and should include references.

Your plan should include the following:

  • Theoretical or philosophical statement on your beliefs about classroom management and how students learn.
    • What type of classroom climate will you create?
  • Classroom rules
    • What are the classroom rules?
    • How are rules created?
    • How are rules communicated to students and their parents?
  • Classroom procedures
    • Describe the daily procedures for student entering and leaving the class.
    • How are lessons started and ended?
    • What procedures are used for lunch and bathroom time?
    • How are transitions handled in the classroom?
    • What are your expectations for each student?
    • What should students expect from you as the teacher?
  • Behavior Management
    • Plan/procedures for managing positive student behavior?
    • Plan/procedures for managing disruptive student behavior?
    • What behaviors do you want to encourage and promote in children?
    • Will you utilize rewards for positive behavior and consequences for negative behaviors? If so, what? If not, why?

Remember to review and refer to the grading rubric often as you work on your project. 

Indicators, Competencies, and Skills for this Assignment

The classroom management plan addresses the following standards.

FEAP/PEC & Indicators

Learning Environment/FEAP

  • Applies the established rules and standards for behaviors consistently and equitably.
  • Recognizes cognitive, linguistic, and affective needs of individual students and arranges learning environments and activities to meet these needs.
  • Uses techniques to align student needs, instructional settings, and activities.
  • Provides clear directions for instructional activities and routines.

Learning Environment/PEC

  • Evaluate the appropriateness of the physical environment for facilitating student learning and promoting safety.
  • Identify strategies to involve students in establishing rules and standards for behavior.
  • Foundations of Education/PEC
  • Identify contemporary philosophical views on education that influence teaching.


  • Identify ESOL approaches, methods, and strategies (e.g., materials adaptation, alternative assessment, and strategy documentation) appropriate for instruction.

Pre-K/Primary Subject Area Competencies and Skills

  1. Identify the components of effective organization and management, such as classroom rituals, routines, and schedules.
  2. Identify ways to organize furniture, equipment, materials, and other resources in an indoor or outdoor environment in order to support early childhood curricula and the development of the whole child.
  3. Identify the components of and techniques for creating a print-rich environment (e.g., classroom libraries, labeled objects, student work displayed, word walls) reflecting diverse cultures and the impact of such an environment on classroom instruction.

Knowledge of Child Guidance and Classroom Behavioral Management

  1. Identify developmentally appropriate components of a positive and effective classroom behavioral management plan.
  2. Apply developmentally appropriate positive strategies for guiding children’s behavior and responding to challenging behaviors.
  3. Identify developmentally appropriate conflict resolution strategies and guidelines for implementation.


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