Part 3

Part 3: Research Possible Solutions

DIRECTIONS OF PART 3. For this part, you will create your literature review and a minimum of 16 and a maximum of 25 research articles related to possible solutions to the selected problem. The research articles should address a minimum of four different possible solutions. Next, you will write a narrative synthesizing the findings of the studies you reviewed in this part and make connections to the studies you reviewed earlier in Part 2. The final product of this section will be a narrative of a minimum of 15 full lengths. Remember that your paragraphs should consist of five to six sentences with support of current, scholarly sources

In this opening/introductory paragraph, you will introduce this section which includes a description of, what is a solution in a strategic plan (support with research). Ultimately, you will introduce the four chosen possible solutions to your identified problem. 

Possible Solutions

 The four possible solutions selected are (a), (b), (c) and (d). 

Possible Solution One: Solution Title 

Explain why you selected this first solution. Provide a synthesis of the four or more sources you chose for this solution (see below). From the required 16-25 sources of literature, you must conduct an analysis of a minimum of four (4) scholarly and academic articles related to this solution. Do not include the title of the articles, only include the author and year of publication. For this section you need to include the following information when describing each of your four (4) selected articles: (a) the purpose/objective of the study; (b) what type of study was it…qual/quant/mixed, etc.; (c) brief description and number of the participants; (d) setting of the study; (e) how was the data collected…surveys, interviews, etc.; and (f) what were the results.

For example, the first study selected is X and X (year of publication). In this research, X and X performed x in order to be able to analyze x. 

The next study is that of X and X (year of publication), who conducted a study x for x and it was developed in a school x and x passed. 

The third study selected is that of X et al. (year of publication). This study was carried out in x school or organization and is related to solution 1 because ….. 

The fourth study is from X (year of publication). In this article X explains … The following should be covered:

Synthesis of Problems, Trends, Concepts, and Gaps. Start your information right here (1-2 paragraphs). Gather your evidence and validate your assertions. Describe here the problems, trends, concepts, and gaps in each of your four or more articles you selected for this solution. Explain, how do all of these relate to your problem? Not from your perspective, but from the research. Part 4 will give you the opportunity to give your opinions.

 Compare Different Studies Highlighting Similarities, Differences, and Connections. Start your information right here (1-2 paragraphs). Gather your evidence and validate your claims. Compare the four or more articles selected for this solution by describing the similarities, differences, and connections. Explain, how do all of these items relate to your problem? Not from your perspective, but from the research. Part 4 will give you the opportunity to give your opinions.

 Summary of Findings and Results of Possible Solution. Start your information right here (1-2 paragraphs). Gather your evidence and validate your assertions. Synthesize the findings and results of the four articles for this solution. Explain in detail the findings and results for each of the four items.

This should be done for each solution.  It needs to relate back to the organization I talk about in the other parts.  I am attaching the other parts so you can see it.  There need to be 4 clear solutions following the template.  My issue is poverty in elementary schools that experience trauma.


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