Human Resources Management

Part I:

What do you think would constitute an effective alternative dispute resolution system? What benefits would you expect from such a system? If you were asked to rule on a discharge case, what facts would you analyze in deciding whether to uphold or reverse the employer’s action?

Part II:

Read Case Study 1. The New Union Battles: Public Unions vs. Rich World Governments on page 527 and discuss your answers to the questions.

By Day 5:

Respond to at least two fellow learners in either of the following ways:

  • Offer additional information based on your professional experience or research.
  • Post an article or website and summarize why it might provide further insight. 
  • Offer a contradictory opinion based on research and pose a question to seek further information.
  • Provide an insight, seek clarification and/or note an omission that might be important.

Return to this discussion to read responses to your initial post. Note what you have learned and/or insights gained from fellow learners’ comments. 


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