DQ 3


General Instruction: There are eleven opportunities from which you may select your own prompt/question based upon your own interests (there are 5 choices under “A” below and 6 choices under “B” below. You may select any one of them. Having made your selection follow the instructions under “primary post” below. Do NOT answer all of them. Pick one. It is your choice.

But do consider (think about) each of the 11 choices before you make your selection, including the implications of each, carefully reviewing the Computer Crimes Casebook and Supplement. This is a chance for you to focus your attention on the readings and to challenge yourself to think about each of these topics. Again, for your primary post, you will only have to answer one of them.

A. Searches Without a Warrant (selections only)

See pp. 484-85 for background and the list of exceptions to the warrant requirement.

1. Incident to Arrest, p 485-97 (Riley v. California (selected topic)

Primary Post.

Select any one of those eleven topics. Select the one that interests you most (does it surprise you, does it raise questions, does it seem important, does it seem unclear, does it seem the law is wrongly decided or controversial?). Having made your selection, identify it, and then clearly compose a question or state a proposition that you will use as your specific prompt: 

Clearly identify which one topic you’ve selected and what question or proposition you have posed, follow the “Discussion Board Instructions” in our syllabus for a primary post, and make your posting, between 200-300 words,  


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