Assess Language and Reflect on Curriculum

Part 1:

Spend time reflecting on yourself as an educator. Consider the words and tone you use. Think about your level of comfort in having difficult conversations with students. Reflect on emotions you have experienced as an educator. What student behaviors challenge you to remain being your best version of yourself? Where are your opportunities for improving  your language and disposition?  Consider a presentation describing your reflection process (What did you do to  reflect?), and what you learned about yourself. Then, identify one goal for improving your communication and relate this to creating a safe and supportive environment. Describe specific action steps you will take to  achieve your goal. Consider the following heads to assist

  • Self-Reflection Process and Learning
  • Goal for Improving Communicating with Students
  • Action Steps for Achieving Goal

Part 2

Identify a potential trigger you have seen or experienced in the curriculum. The curriculum you identify maybe a lesson, a unit of study,  a textbook, or other content materials used to teach students. Consider the curriculum material. Explain why you believe this material has the potential to trigger a student who has been exposed to trauma. Identify a proactive strategy the educator can take to mitigate the trigger. Then identify how an educator can respond to a student triggered by the material to create a safe and supportive environment.  Consider the following headings:

  • Potential Trigger(s) in Curriculum
  • Proactive Strategies for Mitigating Trigger(s)
  • Responsive Strategies for Supporting a Triggered Student


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