write a final paper from my rough draft with following all instructions:

Upon completing the writing project, you will:

(1) Obtain experience in writing about genomics;

(2) Synthesize information from several sources that address your topic and your question;

(3) Build an argument to defend the answer to your topic/question.

For each option, the final product of the writing project will be a five-page (double-spaced) report. The project must be written eloquently and in complete sentences. Writing quality counts!

  • Submitted on time – 20 points
  • Brief Introduction to your topic (1-2 paragraphs) – 50 points
    • This should be brief but give the reader the context to understand your paper. Assume the audience of your paper is your fellow classmates and Dr. Demuth. Make sure that you include information that is relevant to your thesis, and exclude information that is not relevant to your thesis.
  • Thesis – 20 points
    • This is where you start addressing your question and/or thesis. It is the start of the body, or main part, of your project.
    • BOLD these sentences.
  • Body (100 points)
    • This is the main part of your paper and includes arguments for defending your thesis. You will likely cite a few research papers here.
    • There must be a minimum of three paragraphs and five pages. 10 points will be deducted for each missing paragraph or page.
    • The five pages are for WRITING; references and/or figures are not included.
  • A citation/reference to at least TWO lectures – 20 points
    • This is to make sure that the basic principles of genomics are in your paper. You can use a simple citation format, such as (Module 2, Genomic diversity).
  • At least THREE citations/references to the primary RESEARCH literature – 30 points
    • This has to be a research article (not a review article or a mainstream news article). If you are unsure, you can ask Dr. Fujita. Many students lose points on this so be sure you have a real research paper!
  • Adequate grammar – 30 points
    • Use complete and coherent sentences. The paper needs to flow and make logical sense. Dr. Demuth must be able to understand the writing.
  • Unicheck score is <10% – 10 points
  • Response to blind reviews – 40 points
    • You need to provide responses to the group review feedback.
    • Every comment/suggestion needs to be responded to.
    • For positive feedback, a simple “Thank you” will suffice.
    • For constructive feedback, explain in a sentence or two how you addressed that feedback in your paper.
    • Submit this as a separate page in your paper.


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