answer questions


  1. Can you think of a time when a Pseudo-event was created to market a film? If so, was this event used in combination with any other approaches? 

     2. Do you think Pseudo-Events is an ethical way to market Horror Films? Why or why not?


  1. Do you believe that the media encourages girls and women to sexualize themselves at a young age ? If so, why do you think it is acceptable and normalized?
  2. What can be done to bring more awareness on the hyper sexualization of young girls and women?
  3. Do you remember a show or movie that promoted the oversexualization of a young girl or woman?


Why are these stereotypes still so engrained into modern projects?
Why do we as consumers content with these stereotypes being present?


Who developed the theory of cultural hegemony 

Who profits from the theory of cultural hegemony

Who perfected the use of cultural hegemony

What industries utilize the theory 


  1. What are some examples of black women being portrayed negatively in the media, whether that be on TV, in movies, or even in the news?
  2.  Do you know anyone that has been negatively influenced by the media’s portrayal of black women?


Q1.How do you think industry professionals and decision-makers should view the importance of increasing the representation of African Americans in media?

Q2. What steps can be taken to break away from the stereotypical roles that African Americans have been historically portrayed in the media?


 1. Do you feel Title IX went far enough to make things equitable or should they have done more?

  2. In your opinion what could they have included that they missed?


1. How can society utilize AI’s advantages while minimizing the risks associated with using it for bad things like enforcing ideologies?

2. What measures can be taken in the face of AI-enabled disinformation efforts to guarantee the integrity of democratic processes like elections?


Why do you think some harmful stereotypes are able to thrive and trend for over centuries even when faced with backlash?

How do we go about assessing what stereotypes are most harmful in media to black women, and how do suppose we tackle them?


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