Discipline: Applied Sciences


Complete a Project Schedule. Details on the Project:  Project1 Specifications.pdf Project1 Specifications.pdf – Alternative Formats You must use this project schedule template for the assignment:  Project1 Template.docx  Do not add extra tasks that are not included in the requirements.  A penalty will be assessed for these extra tasks.

Public Health ResearchPublic Health Research

  Research Design and Methodology In this assignment, you will complete the third portion of your final research project, which will be due in Unit VII. Based on the topic you chose in Unit I, you will describe the research design and methodology you plan to use to complete your research (remember this is a […]


Click on the following link and watch the CBC short doc titled “Woman who returns”. This documentary succeeds the topic of the Indian Act; highlighting the after effects of a woman who was affected by her family losing their First Nations Status due to marriage. Please watch this short documentary and put on your metaphorical […]


READ- According to Riva et al. (2012), one of the most useful tools in creating or summarizing research questions is the PICOT format.  The acronym PICOT most typically stands for population, intervention, comparison, outcome, and time (Riva et al., 2012). In research, each part of the PICOT question must be specific and measurable to collect […]

Study Phase IIStudy Phase II

 Observing and Documenting Developmental Milestones What are developmental milestones? Milestones occur in each developmental domain: physical, cognitive, language and social/emotional. 1. Assess the four areas of development 2. Use the developmental milestone checklist provided to conduct an assessment of the child’s developmental levels. 3. Select two milestones per developmental domain to observe and analyze. 4. […]

Study Phase IIStudy Phase II

 Observing and Documenting Developmental Milestones What are developmental milestones? Milestones occur in each developmental domain: physical, cognitive, language and social/emotional. 1. Assess the four areas of development 2. Use the developmental milestone checklist provided to conduct an assessment of the child’s developmental levels. 3. Select two milestones per developmental domain to observe and analyze. 4. […]

3 reflection3 reflection

write 1-2 paragraphs reflecting on your learning for the week. Guiding questions are provided or you may write about what you felt was most significant to you for the week. How hard was it to find a quantitative article related to your area of interest? Did you have any difficulty determining whether the articles you […]

3 reflection3 reflection

write 1-2 paragraphs reflecting on your learning for the week. Guiding questions are provided or you may write about what you felt was most significant to you for the week. How hard was it to find a quantitative article related to your area of interest? Did you have any difficulty determining whether the articles you […]