Discipline: Applied Sciences


Module 1: Discussion 1 44 unread replies.44 replies. Please watch the following video and answer the question below.  How to live to be 100+ by Dan Buettner How to live to be 100+ – Dan BuettnerLinks to an external site. The lifespan of adults in the United States has increased substantially since the early 1900s. […]

Applied Sciences homework 5articleApplied Sciences homework 5article

Educational Research Activity (Impact of Performance-based Assessment Literature Review:  Literature Review: (Individual Activity for Knowledge) The first phase requires teacher candidates to select and review at least 5 journal articles written after 2015 on “Theories” underpinning assessment.   They are to use the literature review to write a 3-page research paper on the philosophy, rationale, advantages, […]


 Overview:For your initial writing assignment, you will construct a paragraph about something meaningful in your life using the structure of the famous “Humans of New York” blog posts. Please save your file in .doc or .docx format.*Students are encouraged to visit the following website before completing writing assignments. Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL): https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/purdue_owl.html*To view the […]

Identify blocks in the workplace that prevents critical and creative thinking.Identify blocks in the workplace that prevents critical and creative thinking.

Identify the most common “blocks” you have seen/experienced in a  workplace that prevents a company from allowing employees from engaging  in critical and creative thinking (feel free to use your own workplace  here).   Include in your answer the “blocks” to creative and critical  thinking that you yourself engage in

discussion 3 introdiscussion 3 intro

   Post a response to the following: Choose one of the six core values in the NASW Code of Ethics (service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of human relationships, integrity, competence). Create and describe a specific scenario that demonstrates how a social worker would uphold that value when working with a […]

refl armrefl arm

write 2 paragraphs reflecting on your learning for the week.  What experiences have you had with Evidence Based Practice or Quality Improvement in your practice area? What factors in your practice area support EBP? What barriers to EBP do you see? What do you think your role in research will be as a Nurse Practitioner? […]

1 arm1 arm

INSTRUCTIONS- Select an issue in nurse practitioner (NP) practice that is of interest to you and in which you would like to see a practice change occur. Conduct a review of literature to see what is currently known about the topic. In 2 paragraphs, describe the scope and relevance of the issue and your recommended […]