Discipline: Applied Sciences

lower extremitylower extremity

  Here are the details of the entire assignment.  Please only submit the name of your partner and your written component here. Movement/Exercise Analysis Assignment: LOWER EXTREMITY PARTNER ASSIGNMENT INTRODUCTION: The analysis of movement is critical in developing programs and making exercise selections for clients and athletes.  The ability to look at an athlete/client and […]

annotated bibliographyannotated bibliography

  Step 3 – Finish Your Research & Create Your Presentation (60 points)  You will complete your research for your Exercise Physiology question. You should have 3-5 sources (including the one submitted in Step 2) with completed annotated bibliographies. You should create a presentation with the following components: An introduction to your research question. Identify […]

Discussion BoardDiscussion Board

  Discussion Thread: Did America have a Christian Founding? Based on your experience, reading, and reflection, did America have a Christian founding? Do you agree or disagree with Hall’s deductions and analysis? Why or why not? Support your answer with specific examples. 

Short PaperShort Paper

  SHORT PAPER: U.S. CONGRESS DURING THE 1790S ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW The Short Paper: U.S. Congress during the 1790s Assignment will allow you to research the early American Congressional sessions and better understand the century of lawmaking during the American founding. The assignment’s purpose is to enhance the historian’s grasp of the early American founding […]

DIscussion BoardDIscussion Board

 DISCUSSION ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS The discussion assignments in this course are meant to be collaborative learning experiences that foster a spirit of community and collegiality, but you must also view these as academic assignments with formal requirements. The discussions in this course will expand your Christian worldview as it relates to the American Founding. For these […]

Discussion BoardDiscussion Board

    choose an issue in applied ethics that greatly interests you. You may choose any of the following topics covered in the assigned readings from our textbooks: For example: Abortion; Biomedical Issues (IVF, Stem Cell Research, etc.); Capital Punishment; Church-State Relations; Economics; Environment; Euthanasia; Just War; LGBTQ Issues; Marriage & Family; Healthcare; Political Engagement; […]


READ- Making informed decisions in healthcare is not only important for the safety of patients and healthcare professionals but is also used to promote quality patient care. To make informed decisions, nurses must utilize systems thinking which is a critical component of transformation and continued enhancement of patient care delivery (Berwick, Snair, & Nishtar, 2018). Using […]

cj 3590 mod 4 projectcj 3590 mod 4 project

  Project #2 Read chapter 8 and watch the following videos.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HatSl1lu_PM&feature=relatedhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqaqrDnhzDw (If the links do not work by clicking on it, highlite, copy, and paste the link to your browser address bar).Design a restorative justice program in a school in your area. You may use a real or perceived problem. Discuss the following: Describe the setting […]


Initial Post: Give an example of a time or times when each of the 3 basic psychological needs of the SDT has been apparent in your choice of health behavior (to act or not to act).  For example, a) when did your need for autonomy (choice) affect your decision to act/not act; b) when did […]