Discipline: Applied Sciences

Pulmonary interstitial emphysemaPulmonary interstitial emphysema

powerpoint presentation pulmonary interstitial emphysema focused on pediatric and neonates  Supplement your presentation with a concise, attractive, and professional visual aid such as a PowerPoint presentation or an informational handout you can distribute to your classmates. Include appropriate images such as graphs/charts, pictures, x-rays, or links to relevant resources. 


Primary Discussion Response is due by Thursday (11:59:59pm Central), Peer Responses are due by Saturday (11:59:59pm Central). Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, […]

Critical Thinking: Compare and Contrast the US and KSA Health Care SystemsCritical Thinking: Compare and Contrast the US and KSA Health Care Systems

Critical Thinking: Compare and Contrast the US and KSA Health Care Systems  Write a paper that addresses the following: Define each country’s healthcare system. Evaluate each country’s private insurance market. Analyze the challenges to each country’s healthcare system. providing services in rural markets. Present recommendations to address these challenges. Requirements: Your paper should be 7 […]

3 case3 case

  Answer all questions/criteria with explanations and detail  Select one drug to treat the diagnosis(es) or symptoms. List medication class and mechanism of action for the chosen medication. Write the prescription in prescription format. Provide an evidence-based rationale for the selected medication using at least two scholarly reference. Textbooks may be used for additional references but […]

How to do thisHow to do this

Within the discussion board area, write 250-500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas and comments by Wednesday (11:59 PM). Ensure that you respond to at least two of your peers with a response of 75 words of more by Sunday night (11:59 PM). Be sure to support your responses with […]


1. Enter Sentinel City® and review the following citizen information:a. Sentinel City® – Nightingale Squarei. Anna Jordan – 68 years oldb. Sentinel City® – Lake View Suburbi. Larry Bass – 89 years old2. Search for nutritional data (restaurants, schools, community centers, communitygardens, etc.) within the neighborhood of your chosen or assigned citizen.3. Complete a nutritional […]


Let’s say you are the coach as a corrector. Describe the approach you would use to correct your employee’s behavior and/or performance. Use course material and outside sources to support your ideas.


You have been asked to be a mentor to a co-worker who has a reputation of being an underachiever and a bad fit for the company.  In Part 3 of your Coaching Session Plan, evaluate and create a plan to address how you would mentor someone who is an underachiever or a bad fit for […]

Die Revolution des Sprachdialogs: Chat GPT auf DeutschDie Revolution des Sprachdialogs: Chat GPT auf Deutsch

Einleitung Die Welt der künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) hat in den letzten Jahren enorme Fortschritte gemacht, und eines der faszinierendsten Ergebnisse dieser Entwicklung ist Chat GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer). Dieser Artikel wirft einen Blick auf die Bedeutung und die Auswirkungen von Chat GPT, insbesondere im deutschsprachigen Raum. Jetzt zugreifen: https://chatgptxonline.de/ Hintergrund 1. Die Grundlagen von Chat […]