Discipline: Applied Sciences


  READ BELOW–  Acetylcholine  The neurotransmitter that I received is acetylcholine (ACH). Acetylcholine (ACH) is created by two enzymes: choline and acetyl coenzyme A (AcCoA) are combined in the body to form the enzyme acetyltransferase (ChAT). Acetyltransferase (ChAT) produces the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACH) (Stahl, 2021). Without these enzymes in place, acetylcholine cannot be produced. Acetylcholine […]


Reinforcement is the cornerstone of behavior analysis. How frequently, or not frequently, reinforcement is delivered has a large impact on how quickly a person will respond. This is the case for all behavior. For example, someone who sells cars may be paid on a fixed interval schedule (every two weeks regardless of how many cars […]


You will write a research paper of 8 pages, reviewing the literature on a specific ethics dilemma. 1) You will choose an ethical dilemma from one of your choice. 2) Do your own research to develop how you would ethically respond to the ethical situation you have chosen. 3) Using the attached example, follow the […]


Overview Now that you have identified a behavior, population, and setting, you will start to review the literature related to that behavior. Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is an evidence-based practice, which means it’s important for practitioners to identify and recommend treatments that are based on evidence from research. This literature review will help you to […]

Apply the concepts of supply and demand analysis concepts to a specific good or service you use in your everyday lifeApply the concepts of supply and demand analysis concepts to a specific good or service you use in your everyday life

What are its main characteristics? What are some of the substitutes and complements for the good? Indicate whether the good is a normal good or an inferior good.  Identify and describe the main nonprice factors that could cause an increase or decrease in the demand for the good or service. Identity and describe the main […]