Discipline: Applied Sciences

Feedback 2Feedback 2

Video Link: https://youtu.be/SW5J0vj5Stk  Read Chapters 3 & 4 in your textbook:  Landesman, L., Gershon, R., Gebble, E.N., and Merdjanoff, A.A. (2021), Public Health Management of Disasters (5th edition), American Public Health Association. ISBN 9780875533216.  Assignment:   Read the brief article, Natural Disasters and Public HealthLinks to an external site.. The following two quotes are highlighted […]

Reflection 2Reflection 2

Read Lee, Johnson, and Joyce’s Public Budgeting System’s, Chapter 2 –The Public Sector in Perspective.  Briefly describe the relative sizes of the private and public sectors in the United States; the historical growth of local, state, and federal governments and the reasons for that growth; and the purposes of government expenditures with the sources of […]


Description Library Research Assignment You have been asked by your manager to develop a request for proposal and to recommend a contract type that will be useful in meeting the requirements determined in your previous research of the companies various departmental needs for office cleaning by an outside contractor of departments who will use the […]


 Download Worksheet 10.1: Summary Questionnaire (ATTACHED). Once you have opened Worksheet 10.1, select “save as,” and save it to your own computer as a Word document. Answer each question on the questionnaire (3 sentences each) by typing your responses directly into the worksheet and upload the completed worksheet as part of your written assignment. 

Line graphLine graph

Discuss the importance of essential structures and quality features of line graphs to increase the integrity of line graphs in applied behavior analysis. Why is this not an issue in other sciences? Please see discussion post rubric attached ,  APA Format and they use plagiarism and AI detection