Discipline: Applied Sciences

CYBER BEE – What are Solidity Smart Contracts?​CYBER BEE – What are Solidity Smart Contracts?​

  Are you intrigued by the world of blockchain and smart contracts? We’re thrilled to invite you to explore our latest blog post, titled ‘ <a href=”https://cyberbee.dev/blog/what-are-solidity-smart-contracts/ “> What are Solidity Smart Contracts </a> ?’ In today’s digital age, blockchain technology and smart contracts have been transforming industries and revolutionizing the way we conduct business. […]

Which differential reinforcement procedure you would use, why you would use it and how it would work.Which differential reinforcement procedure you would use, why you would use it and how it would work.

  Julia is a 9-year-old student at Blackmore Elementary. You have been asked by your professor to help her teacher reduce the frequency of Julia’s hand raising in class using a differential reinforcement strategy. The teacher has recorded Julia raising her hand an average of 57 times an hour. Discuss which differential reinforcement procedure you […]

Case StudyCase Study

  Answer the case study questions below in APA format, between 2-3 pages, and include a cover page.  Case Study on Alternative Medicine (also in the textbook on page 124) Blake is having a great deal of hip and back pain. He used to run a lot and still plays tennis, which he does not […]


Description Key Assignment Draft This week, you and your team completed the training sessions on developing the Negotiation Planning Strategy. The chief operations officer (COO) received positive feedback from your team about the direction and content of the training sessions. He has asked to review your completed training outline, and he would like you to […]


  Use Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library and the Internet to research how to make an authoritative, but concise, PowerPoint presentation. Respond to the following: Why is important that you know how to create an effective presentation? What common mistakes do people make when presenting information to a group? What tips did you learn […]

Discussion 2Discussion 2

Your text discusses the role of Functional Behavior Assessment in preventing and intervening with behaviors. Give an example from your experience on how FBA can help inform your intervention using specific details of an antecedent, behavior and consequence. Cite to your reading as why this is important for behaviorists to understand. Cited article attached.


A short research consisting 10 pages about ” SAFETY IN NANOTECHNOLOGY ”  not copied , it should contain the points below: Title Page  Author (s) biography  Introduction about the topic   Previous Research review Research Method  Research Results Safety focus of the research Conclusion  Recommendations Important Graphs  Important tables Appendices  Critiques (Your opinion, advantages, disadvantages, […]