Discipline: Applied Sciences


Download Worksheet 6.1: (ATTACHED) Evaluation Planning Questionnaire. Answer each question on the questionnaire by typing your responses directly into the worksheet, and upload the completed worksheet as part of your written assignment. Note: You will use this paper and completed questionnaire to craft the evaluation component that will be included in your grant proposal/final project […]


Description Primary Discussion Response is due by Thursday (11:59:59pm Central), Peer Responses are due by Saturday (11:59:59pm Central). Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and […]

Discussion OneDiscussion One

Think about modalities that are used to implement interventions. What is gained and what is lost by using DTT as compared to Naturalistic teaching strategies. Support your position with research and literature from the field.

History and background of autismHistory and background of autism

Discuss the importance of understanding the history and background of autism and how it has impacted ABA treatments for autism and the general guiding philosophy of ABA programs?  What has the history of autism taught us about pseudoscience like refrigerator mothers? Must follow discussion rubiric attached APA Format They check for plagiarism and AI


Organizational Culture It is easy to confuse organizational climate with organizational culture.  We have discussed culture in the sense of diversity and inclusion.  In this week’s Part 1 – Organizational Culture you will explore these three topics: organizational climate, organizational culture, and inclusion.  Conduct a review of the literature (search EBSCOhost) to find at least three scholarly […]


Should leaders be judged based on their social skills? How are social skills judged by the general public, and more importantly, by the leaders’ followers? Find an example in the literature to support your claim.