Discipline: Applied Sciences


Unit 5 – Individual Project (250 points) Due: Sun, Oct 1 |Printer Friendly Version Description Review the following videos for help submitting your Individual Project: Submitting Assignments on the CTU Mobile App Submitting Assignments in the CTU Virtual Classroom Assignment Details Final Project Your final project should include your revisions based on faculty feedback, peer […]

Chapter 12 ReviewChapter 12 Review

  George needs to turn in an outline for the speech he is assigned to deliver. The speech itself is two weeks away, but the outline is due today. George has already written the entire speech, and he does not see why he should spend time deleting parts of it to transform it into an […]

Chapter 11 ReviewChapter 11 Review

  Tika’s speech on death camps in Africa was a real flop, and she knew it. The speech was quickly prepared, inadequately researched, and not very logical. Thankfully, Tika knew she had an ace in her back pocket. She planned on ending her speech with a video showing mass graves that she knew would make […]

Discussion 6Discussion 6

briefly describe their studies’ Independent Variable, Dependent Variable and measures. Students will describe in full their proposed research design and write step by step procedures for conducting their research. The writing of the procedures should be such that it could be easily replicated. Students will also discuss how they plan to ensure internal validity of […]


This assignment has two parts: A and B. Respond to BOTH parts. Your total response  must be at least 15 sentences. It can be longer.  View the videos in PART A, pick at least two videos and respond to the questions under the videos. Your response to part A must discuss at least a couple […]

Week 3Week 3

The Case of Chad Chad is a 45-year-old man currently in prison for raping 3 women. Chad had met these women on separate occasions at a bar. In each case, he put Rohypnol in their drinks when they were not looking. He would wait for the drugs to take effect and then take each of […]

Home WorkHome Work

 Please read the instructions about the paper I will like you to write from the downloads and the title of the textbook is. BY THE PEOPLE “DEBATING AMERICAN GOVERNMENT” SIXTH EDITION. WRITEN BY JAMES A. MORONE | ROGAN KERSH.