Discipline: Applied Sciences

Hsa 6900 Deliverable 4 – Creating Alternative Revenue StreamsHsa 6900 Deliverable 4 – Creating Alternative Revenue Streams

Competency Develop sustainable operational processes that create opportunities to utilize best practices in patient care and functions. Student Success Criteria View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane. Scenario Health organizations continue to face challenges relative […]

Hsa6200 Deliverable 4 – Quality Improvement: The Foundation, Processes and ToolsHsa6200 Deliverable 4 – Quality Improvement: The Foundation, Processes and Tools

Competency Apply models of quality improvement to institutional challenges within the healthcare industry. Student Success Criteria View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane. Scenario You have recently been hired as a lead consultant for the […]

Applied Sciences To prepare for this Capstone Assignment-Draft Mini Literature Review:Applied Sciences To prepare for this Capstone Assignment-Draft Mini Literature Review:

  As you continue in your professional career, you will have many opportunities to learn through interacting with your peers. This week, you will complete Assignment 3-the first draft of your Mini Literature Review and share it with your colleagues. Next week, you will offer feedback on your colleagues’ work. Be sure to think about […]

a comprehensive response to the following:a comprehensive response to the following:

    Review the professional organizations listed in the Learning Resources. Research additional professional organizations that might apply to your career goals. Explore some of the professional organizations’ sections, events, resources, publications, and educational opportunities that might help you develop professionally as well as contribute to the field.    Post a comprehensive response to the following: […]


Beyond face work and conflict, what other possible communication difficulties do you perceive (e.g., use of slang and lack of “code-switching,” level of formality, value conflicts, or other things we have discussed this semester)? If you were a consultant to The European Union, the International Committee of the Red Cross or United Nations, what recommendations […]


Intercultural Political Leadership Background Political communication happens all around us, though perhaps it is more overt in some national cultures than others. At some universities, people promote causes with posters and speeches in public spaces, there are special presentations for causes, and even editorials in the school paper can have a political component. In other […]

Module 4 SLPModule 4 SLP

THE PROCESSES OF CONTINUOUS QUALITY IMPROVEMENT Using the information in the required readings, as well as some additional research in peer-reviewed sources, complete your SLP assignment by answering the following: PLEASE READ OVER ASSIGNMENT DETAILS AND THE REQUIRED READINGS/ATTACHMENTS. NO OUTSIDE REFERENCES & USE WHAT RESOURCES ARE PROVIDED. Briefly research the leading methods of continuous […]

Module 4 CaseModule 4 Case

Assignment Overview One of the leading continuous quality indicators that U.S. health care managers struggle with is population-wide health equity monitoring and improvement. This indicator seems to unfortunately remain isolated from the “mainstream” process of continuous quality improvement. Because of this, health care managers remain relatively uninformed about the health equity impacts of organizational decisions, […]

Week 4Week 4

Needs assessments are an essential part of the support that individuals in the criminal justice system rely upon. Needs assessments will help identify what programs and services can help reduce the risk of recidivism for each individual. They also help make sure the right individuals are in the right programs.  For this assignment, you have […]