Discipline: Applied Sciences


Real-World Self-Leadership Case: “Leaning In” with Sheryl Sandberg From self-observation and evaluation to positive mental imagery and practice, Sandberg was able to achieve a very high level of self-efficacy that empowered her to successfully build future successes atop of her past achievements. This self-efficacy and success has empowered her to serve as a leading voice […]

Riverbend City: Debriefing and Cost EffectivenessRiverbend City: Debriefing and Cost Effectiveness

  After you have viewed the Riverbend City: Shelter and Nursing Home Debriefing Mission multimedia presentation, address the following in your initial discussion post: Identify additional concerns related to cost in the mission presentation. Think about how the leaders can better manage resources next time. What impact does good financial management have on an organization […]

Active ListeningActive Listening

Assignment Content Before you can help another person, you need to be able to listen to the other person, a practice that requires active engagement, eye contact, and other signifiers to demonstrate to the speaker that you are following them. Another practice is to rephrase what you heard from the speaker in your own words […]

Discussion 6Discussion 6

Discuss the use of consequences in your current fieldwork setting. How are consequences used to increase desired behaviors and decrease undesired behaviors? Provide at least 2 examples of each type of consequence, reinforcement and punishment. Use the language of ABA to describe the relationship between behaviors and consequences. Cite your readings to support your examples. […]

Reaction Paper- Please use articles in the uploaded document to write the paper.Reaction Paper- Please use articles in the uploaded document to write the paper.

 Topic is Cardiovascular Disease. First, summarize what you have read, including any outside research conducted on the topic in addition to assigned readings. Next, you will provide your reaction to the literature and current application of the science in practice, either clinical (management) or community based (prevention or management). Make sure you have critically evaluated […]


You can use this time to have a non-structured conversation from the Podcast and web site links below. Provide one fact or element from the web site exploration that applies to this module’s topic of populations as risk. Everyone should review the AETCMC Self-Assessment link. Please be sure to provide a reference for all sources […]


TOPIC- Erlichiosis Apply the concepts of population health and epidemiology to the topic. Synthesize Course content from Weeks 1-5 according to the following sections: Introduction: Analysis of the communicable disease (causes, symptoms, mode of transmission, complications, treatment) to include demographic break down that includes age, gender, race, or other at-risk indicators (da ta per demographics […]

block chainblock chain

After reading both chapters this week, the following will evaluate both chapters in combination of building central view-points. Bring in outside references as well to support your paper.You task in this assignment is to conduct an article reflection in a 3-4 page paper addressing the following: What did the textbook readings on how fair trade […]


*Students should leverage content from the course readings and videos this week to guide thoughts for this assignment”You are a marketing consultant hired by a restaurant to develop a proposal to them on a unique gamification concept for them to consider implementing. Your job is to create a brief power point that proposing the strategy, […]


Have a non-structured conversation about the web site exploration links below. Provide one fact or element from the web site exploration that applies to the topics from the first four modules.  Please remember to provide a reference for all sources included in your post.  Please remember to provide a reference for all sources included in […]