Discipline: Applied Sciences

Literature Review Research MatrixLiterature Review Research Matrix

 Fill out the Literature Review Research Matrix [DOCX] with research concepts connected to the topic selected for this quarter.  A sample article has been completed for you as an example. Please use accurate APA style and format for your citations and references in this assignment.   Sample Article: (Gonzalez & Blackford, 2022) https://www-sciencedirect-com.library.capella.edu/science/article/pii/S1472811722000787?via%3Dihub Article 1: (Barratt & Duran, […]

block chainblock chain

Re Discuss the following: 1. What are blockchain’s potential applications in organizational functions such as human resource management, accounting, and supply chain management? Use the following headings to organize your paper: Introduction, Question 1, Conclusion, References.


 Thalia Thalia is an 8-year-old girl. She is attending an elementary school where she participates in mainly special education classroom. Thalia was diagnosed with autism at age 3. There are seven students in Thalia’s class, served by one teacher and one educational assistant. During the day, Thalia participates in group activities with same-age peers in […]

Leadership: need asap!Leadership: need asap!

Letterman or Leno: A Groupthink Analysis of Successive Decisions Made by NBC Case Study By analyzing two consecutive decisions made by the same group of executives at National Broadcasting Company (NBC) Neck (1996) explored the role leadership played in enhancing groupthink in the first case and mitigating it in the second. When Johnny Carson, the […]

2 breast2 breast

TOPIC- “Lipid disorders in adults- Breast Cancer” INSTRUCTION- Describe the diagnostic or screening tool selected, its purpose, and what age group it targets.  Has it been specifically tested in this age group? Next, discuss the predictive ability of the test. For instance, how do you know the test is reliable and valid? What are the […]

Week 4 (iNTERVIEW)Week 4 (iNTERVIEW)

Locate a social services (Lee County Department of Social Services) agency in your area that provides reentry services or other programs for those involved in the criminal justice system.  Identify someone at the agency who does case management or case planning. Practice your interviewing skills to obtain information about case management from a practitioner.  Create […]


Self-Leadership & Emotional Intelligence Self-leadership is related to emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence according to Neck, Manz and Houghton (2017) “involves the ability to perceive, understand, and regulate our own or another person’s emotions” and emotionally intelligent people can “recognize and use his or her own and others’ emotional states to solve problems and regulate behavior.” […]