Discipline: Applied Sciences


Real-World Self-Leadership Case: Mount Everest Tragedy The case study below addresses the 1996 Mount Everest Tragedy. Based on the information presented in that case, please respond to the following questions. Do you think that better self-leadership among the members of the 1995 Everest expedition teams could have led to better decisions? How? In what ways might […]

Law and Ethics in Public HealthLaw and Ethics in Public Health

 Proposal for Coordinating State Public Health Policy With Stakeholders Unlike most other developed nations, the United States does not have a unified healthcare system. Even with the passage of the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), the first major health reform law passed in this country in nearly 50 years, the United States […]

Applied Sciences MSW6008-Week 5 – Assignment: Evaluate the Roles and Responsibilities of IC in a Health Care SettingApplied Sciences MSW6008-Week 5 – Assignment: Evaluate the Roles and Responsibilities of IC in a Health Care Setting

This week, you explored IC between social workers and other types of health care professionals. For this assignment, review the following case study: Ms. Anderson is caring for her 4-year-old identical twin sons along with two older daughters in a small apartment in a rural community. The twins need medical infusion services to control hemophilia, […]

Applied Sciences MSW 6008- Week 4 – Assignment: Explain Interdisciplinary Collaboration Concepts for work with YouthApplied Sciences MSW 6008- Week 4 – Assignment: Explain Interdisciplinary Collaboration Concepts for work with Youth

For this assignment, create a brochure to use as a handout/training material at a Continuing Educational Unit (CEU) Course you are facilitating for Master’s Level Social Workers. In the brochure, list and explain the six overarching elements of IC with youth discussed in this week’s readings. Be sure to use examples relevant to social work […]

Applied Sciences MSW 6008- Week 4 – Assignment: Explain Interdisciplinary Collaboration Concepts for work with YouthApplied Sciences MSW 6008- Week 4 – Assignment: Explain Interdisciplinary Collaboration Concepts for work with Youth

For this assignment, create a brochure to use as a handout/training material at a Continuing Educational Unit (CEU) Course you are facilitating for Master’s Level Social Workers. In the brochure, list and explain the six overarching elements of IC with youth discussed in this week’s readings. Be sure to use examples relevant to social work […]

block chainblock chain

Chapter 2 of the book provides an introduction and overview of various blockchain platform startups from recent years that currently exist in the market: Everledger: a permanent ledger for diamond certification and related transaction history. Cardano: a smart contract platform that seeks to deliver more advanced features than any protocol previously developed. Stellar: a platform […]

block chainblock chain

Remember to review the syllabus expectations for initial discussion posts and peer replies. Discuss the following: 1. Define blockchain. 2. Discuss how enterprise blockchain enriches the definition of blockchain. Use the following headings to organize your paper: Introduction, Question 1, Question 2, Conclusion, References.

Applied Sciences MSW6008-Week 3 – Assignment: Develop a Model of Collective ImpactApplied Sciences MSW6008-Week 3 – Assignment: Develop a Model of Collective Impact

For this assignment, you will develop a model of Collective Impact in your area of social work. You can continue to build upon the same topic you selected for the Week 1 and Week 2 assignments.  Develop a narrated PowerPoint presentation to present your model of Collective Impact to a newly formed interdisciplinary team of […]

M rlyM rly

QUESTION- What kind of success has Florida had with the “Lets Go” program? INSTRUCTIONS- Correct grammar, spelling, and APA should be adhered to when writing, work should be scholarly without personalization or first person use. Respond with a scholarly and reflective post of a minimum of two (2) paragraphs of 4-5 sentences. A minimum of […]

see belowsee below

  Write a report of 100-150 words describing hove the movement and force of a Tsunami is related to physcial science concepts of force and motion. Directions: Follow the steps below to complete the assignment. Step 1. Conduct research on Tsunamis around the world. Here is a site to get you started. http://nctr.pmel.noaa.gov/tsunami-forecast.html Step 2. […]