Discipline: Applied Sciences

Strategic LeadershipStrategic Leadership

  Strategic Leadership Using resources from the Capella Library, course readings, and the Internet, address the following: Explain the importance of strategic leadership and methods to a health care organization. Describe methods a leader may use to align the mission, vision, and goals of individual stakeholders to the mission, vision, goals, and objectives of the […]

Research proposalResearch proposal

i want research proposal of 3 pages not included the title and ref pages for the below  Use of Artificial Intelligence in Language Translation: Examine the impact and accuracy of AI in language translation and how it’s changing the landscape of cross-cultural communication “

epi 1-disepi 1-dis

Read Chapter 1 and complete Exercise 1.5 on the attached book. You should address each bullet point in the exercise. Your work should have in-text citations from the book attached integrating at a minimum one scholarly article from the book attached. APA format should be utilized to include a reference list. Correct grammar, spelling, and […]

Question 1Question 1

It is now 2025, and you have recently left Kodiak after helping the company launch their driverless truck fleet. Kodiak now has driverless trucks delivering freight across Texas, with most of the freight volume between DFW and Houston.  You see a great opportunity to create a delivery company using autonomous vans or small trucks for […]

ldr5000 Deliverable 7 – Professional Development Plan for Your Teamldr5000 Deliverable 7 – Professional Development Plan for Your Team

Competencies Evaluate the effect of individual personality, behaviors, and values on personal and professional relationships. Analyze the importance of adjusting individual behavior as it relates to personal and professional goals. Create individual strategies for self-management. Evaluate the importance of affecting and managing relationships. Evaluate time management tools that can impact individual well-being and relationships. Demonstrate […]