Discipline: Applied Sciences

CST 620 Project 4CST 620 Project 4

  4 Deliverables and 4-10 pages total (1-2 each).    Scenario: You are a security software architect in a cloud service provider company, assigned to a project to provide the client with data integrity and confidentiality protections for data in transit that will be using applications in the cloud. Your client is an HR company called, […]

Week 3Week 3

  Threat Model Report: An eight- to 10-page double-spaced Word document with citations in APA format. The report should include your findings and any recommendations for mitigating the threats found. The page count does not include figures, diagrams, tables, or citations. What are the controls to prevent an attack? Conduct independent research and then define these […]

Applied Sciences AssignmentApplied Sciences Assignment

  The purpose of this assignment is to conduct a community assessment in a form of an interview and physical appraisal of the community. Part I: Assessment Based on the demographic and community selected in the Topic 3 assignment, perform a physical assessment of the community site using the “Functional Health Patterns Community Assessment Guide,” located […]

Discussion Two-ABADiscussion Two-ABA

Read the two articles on diversity in ABA (located in the Readings folder- Please see below articles). Compare and contrast the articles, noting at least two similarities and two differences between them. How does the literature confirm or challenge your thinking about cultural diversity? Do you see evidence of cultural humility or cultural responsiveness in […]

Applied Sciences MSW6008-Week 2 – Assignment: Examine EBPs for Implementation in an Interdisciplinary TeamApplied Sciences MSW6008-Week 2 – Assignment: Examine EBPs for Implementation in an Interdisciplinary Team

Instructions  This assignment includes several parts. Please ensure you complete each part for full credit. For this assignment, first, perform a search in the NCU library for three peer-reviewed articles that evaluate an EBP or intervention in your chosen topic area related to social work. Then, prepare an Annotated Bibliography containing your selected journal articles […]