Discipline: Applied Sciences


  As you know, humans need food, shelter, clothing, and other manufactured goods. The production activities related to meeting these needs are sources of environmental risk. As a result, the environmental health management field focuses on risks from food production and manufacturing. In this assignment, you will examine a risk in one of these areas, […]

Informational InterviewInformational Interview

  Informational interviews are helpful to learn about different career positions available for a company or department you would be interested in working for long-term. A person’s rank does not matter, but you should aim to talk with someone who has enough experience to give you informed insights. Because there is no job on the […]

Review fir AssistanceReview fir Assistance

  As an autism specialist, you will often be called upon to make recommendations related to academic assessments, including selection of appropriate assessment tools, interpreting the data collected from assessments, and using data in the development of IEP goals. The IEP team will often rely on you to apply working knowledge of state assessments, curriculum-based […]

Qn 1Qn 1

1. What is an Information Technology Project? (Max 50 words) ”Cite the source – Use APA.” 2. What is research? (Max 50 words)  “Cite the source – Use APA.” 3. Why do we need to do research? (Max 50 Words)  “Cite the source – Use APA.”        3.1. – Explain what we mean by Qualitative research        3.2. – Explain what […]

CST 620 ProjectCST 620 Project

  Deliverables by May 13th  Threat Model Report: An eight- to 10-page double-spaced Word document with citations in APA format. The report should include your findings and any recommendations for mitigating the threats found. The page count does not include figures, diagrams, tables, or citations.  Lab Report: A Word document sharing your lab experience along […]

Applied Sciences AssignmentApplied Sciences Assignment

  The purpose of this assignment is to plan and develop an outline for your community teaching plan and gain feedback from a community health representative in your local community. The teaching plan developed in this assignment will be used to develop your Community Teaching Presentation due in Topic 5. Complete the following: Identify the […]


Applied Behavior Analysis is a science. How does science, as described in Cooper, Heron & Heward (2020) and Mayer, Sulzer-Azaroff & Wallace (2019) apply to your current position or field experience? Additionally, how are the dimensions of ABA evident in your practice or field experience. Be specific and cite to your readings to support your […]