Discipline: Applied Sciences

wk7 Replywk7 Reply

 I have a couple of takeaways about meeting the customer’s needs and expectations that I have learned fromt the  competition. The first one and probably my biggest takeaway is ensuring the prices we set are within the range of the different segments from there you want to be priced competitively customers typically look for the […]

Case Study EditCase Study Edit

The temperament traits section needs improvement. Each temperament trait should include two concrete examples that are either a direct observation or an anecdote from the caregiver. In either scenario, it should be a detailed description of the the child’s behavior. Most of the examples should come from your observations of the child. Many of the […]

5 rpl5 rpl

Write 2 paragraphs reflecting on your learning for the week. Guiding questions are provided or you may write about what you felt was most significant to you for the week. Was it difficult to find evidence related to your selected area of interest? What types of evidence were easiest to find (quantitative, qualitative, reviews, practice […]


 Jon, a 9-year-old African American boy, was removed from his home due to maltreatment and placed in a foster home headed by a Caucasian lesbian couple. The social worker is considering permanency planning. The foster family loves Jon and would be willing to adopt him. Jon likes his foster family but wants to return to […]

DQ Julian Treasure’s presentation called “How to speak so that people want to listen.”DQ Julian Treasure’s presentation called “How to speak so that people want to listen.”

Watch  Julian Treasure’s presentation called “How to speak so that people want  to listen.” As you watch his presentation, pay close attention to his  visual aids and how he incorporates them in his speech. Using concepts  from Content 6 and your assigned readings for the week, assess his use  of visual aids.  VIDEO LINK : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIho2S0ZahI […]

Public Health ResearchPublic Health Research

 In this assignment, you will submit your final research project. You will compile all the parts that you completed in Units I, II, III, IV, V, and VI into one paper. Please use subheadings to identify each section of your research. You will need to add a title page, abstract, conclusion, and references page to […]

1500 words case study1500 words case study

Remember the last 15 annotated bibliography and 15 peer pe reviewed journal articles? Noe I am continuing the some topic but now I have *case study * #So the question is: Case study – Each student is expected to identify a site within the area outlined above for the purpose of conducting their research and […]