Discipline: Applied Sciences


 There are several needs-based theories of motivation, including Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Alderfer’s ERG Theory, Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory, McClelland’s Acquired Needs Theory, Skinner’s Reinforcement Theory, Adams’ Equity Theory, Vroom’s Expectancy Theory, Locke’s Goal-Setting Theory, Scientific Management Theory, McGregor’s Theory X and Y, and Ouchi’s Theory Z. These theories share the common idea that individuals are […]

Applied Sciences AssignmentApplied Sciences Assignment

INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT (PART 1) Sketch A Solution Brainstorm: Maternal Health and Physical Activity Directions Please remember that when submitting assignments either submit them as a Word doc or if it is an image in PDF, Jpg, Jpeg. My system does not support HEIC or otherwise. I want to be sure to be able to open […]

Applied Sciences Journal AssignmentApplied Sciences Journal Assignment

INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT (Part 2) Sketch A Solution Presentation: Maternal Health and Physical Activity This assignment is based on your understanding of the factors in this case study. Read Case Study Maternal Health Physical Activity Case Study.docx  Sketch- a- solution assignments must clearly connect proposed solutions to the theory or model studied that week. This presentation […]

Applied Sciences AssignmentApplied Sciences Assignment

INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT (PART 1) Sketch A Solution Brainstorm: Maternal Health and Physical Activity Directions Please remember that when submitting assignments either submit them as a Word doc or if it is an image in PDF, Jpg, Jpeg. My system does not support HEIC or otherwise. I want to be sure to be able to open […]

Discussion and replyDiscussion and reply

Discussion – Naturopathic Medicine ( initial post due Wednesday 3/29)  1.Discussion  Naturopathic Medicine     Differentiate between the view of health and illness as seen through conventional medicine (the MD) and naturopathic medicine (NMD).  What healing techniques do Naturopaths commonly use in their offices? Locate any research articles that support/ do not support these techniques and […]

Discussion and replyDiscussion and reply

1.Discussion : Traditional Chinese Medicine You decide to take a trip to China. While there you start to feel ill.  Explain what it would be like to visit a Traditional Chinese Doctor.  How would they diagnose you?  What sort of treatments would they provide?  How would it be different than going to an American Urgent […]

intro discussion 5intro discussion 5

  Name one social welfare program (local, state, or federal) designed to address poverty, drawn either from the course resources or further research. Identify and explain the program. Describe: Who is eligible for the program What the program provides The goal(s) of the program Whether you think the program is adequate at meeting the needs […]

ethics 4ethics 4

For this week’s assignment respond to one of the following options, and include Option 1, 2, or 3 as part of your heading. Option 1: The first option is to name and describe in detail a key specific and recent healthcare technology. What are at least two key moral problems this technology creates? What are […]

Human Development ChaptersHuman Development Chapters

Read the Chapters (ATTACHED) then respond regarding the content of each Chapter as you would in a face-to-face class. State your point of view. Please don’t summarize the reading. Try to make this an interaction like one that would occur in a live classroom.   Length should be at least approximately 300 words per Chapter […]