Discipline: Architecture and Design

Journal PostJournal Post

  To begin work on Your Favorite Photograph journal entry: View 100 Photographs: The Most Influential Images of All TimeLinks to an external site.. https://web.archive.org/web/20210701190238/http:/100photos.time.com/ Select the image that moves you the most, the one that is most memorable to you. Explain why you selected it. OR Select a photograph of your own or one […]

mass Timber Critiquemass Timber Critique

Please provide a two-page, 12 font, double-spaced narrative (with resources) on the negative effects, traits, outcomes, etc…of utilizing mass timber. This will force us to think of weaknesses within the system. Please focus on items that are only relative to the systems infancy (higher insurance cost, production rates due to lack of experience, higher upfront […]

Applied MethodsApplied Methods

Describe in your own words Applied Decision Methods with 4 references   Applied methods are diverse, reflecting the many purposes for which human factors information is used. Some of them come from psychology, for example, questionnaires and techniques for acquiring, summarizing, and analyzing data. 


Preparation At the turn of the 20th century, Georges Rouault’s art underwent profound change as a result of a shift in his moral and religious outlook. In Chapter 5 of your text: Read “Religious Art for a Modern Age: Georges Rouault,” pages 100-101. View Rouault’s Jesus Reviled, above, and in Figure 5.17 on page 101. Please […]

Paint discussionPaint discussion

M09 – Paint Discussion Directions: Each student is required to post about 5 of the most interesting things they’ve learned about Paint from the content posted in M09.  Each item must be numbered.  For example: I really liked learning about… This was so interesting to me… XXXX XXXX XXXX

Tiny House DesignTiny House Design

 This is a comprehensive tiny house design project that encompasses the sustainability theory the course is founded on.    1. site selection. You may select any lot IN THE WORLD, just provide location, reasoning, size, image, and relevant data as to why you chose it. 2. target market. Who is your target audience? This will […]

Journal PostJournal Post

  Art in Everyday Life Marking art and appreciating it is about sharpening our skills in seeing art. It is in abundance around us. Consider these examples: A mural or graffiti on the side of a building. A sculpture or a fountain. Patchwork quilts hanging on a clothesline. A photograph we can’t stop looking at. […]