Discipline: Biology - Anatomy

Discussion BoardDiscussion Board

Discussion Board  Generally speaking, bioethics helps determine what is responsible by considering four key principles: autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice. The principle of autonomy is about respecting people and their free will. Beneficence and nonmaleficence are two sides of the same coin: doing what is helpful, and not doing what is harmful. Justice, in this context, has to do […]

Lecture PaperLecture Paper

Biomedical Ethics: Assignment Week 4 Discussion Exercise: Chapter 7 and 8 Objective: The students will complete a Virtual Classroom Discussion Exercise that will Extend yourknowledge beyond the core required materials for this class, Engage in collaborative learning with otherstudents to improve the quality of the learning experience for all students and Apply the higher cognitiveskills […]


Instructions: During the first two weeks, we have explored Principles of Disease and Pathology and the Primary Mechanisms of Disease. Review the material covered and provide a minimum of five key points about one of the key content areas covered that are listed below.  You may include sign/symptoms, diagnostic tools, and/or treatments.  Genetics & Congenital […]

To Yen Nguyen Chat Haginest Mon Qua Vang Cho Suc KhoeTo Yen Nguyen Chat Haginest Mon Qua Vang Cho Suc Khoe

<p><strong><em>Tổ yến l&agrave; một trong những thực phẩm qu&yacute; hiếm được rất nhiều người t&igrave;m kiếm. N&oacute; kh&ocirc;ng chỉ mang lại vị ngọt đặc trưng m&agrave; c&ograve;n c&oacute; những gi&aacute; trị dinh dưỡng đặc biệt cho sức khỏe con người. Trong b&agrave;i viết n&agrave;y, ch&uacute;ng ta sẽ c&ugrave;ng t&igrave;m hiểu về tổ yến nguy&ecirc;n chất […]


 Policy: Sex Ed for Social Change: https://siecus.org/filtered-resources/Links to an external site. ***Look for the social justice gaps in the policy (e.g., who/how does the policy fail to address a policy- related social justice issue)   ****Be clear, with your collaborative voice, of what the issues/gaps are • Select 1 or 2 key amendments if there were […]