Discipline: Biology - Ecology

Cultural IntelligenceCultural Intelligence

Today’s borderless business environment can make communication complex. This is not only because you might be communicating with people from all over the globe, but also because we live in an increasingly diverse society. So even in a domestic job with no overseas interactions, cultural intelligence is important. Being culturally intelligent improves one’s ability to […]

Part 6 ModulePart 6 Module

   For decades, museums, government agencies, and archeologists have reclaimed Native Americans’ remains. This culture has partially rendered native people and their culture extinct and overlooked the cultural and religious value of these remains. Ownership of native remains yields great controversy regarding who should be the rightful owner of these remains. On the one hand, […]

How to Bread FishHow to Bread Fish

Breading fish to broil, bake, or fry is a delicious way of cooking white fish. Once you know that basics of preparing a dredging mixture to coat the fish, you can experiment with your own variations and seasonings. A basic breading involves fish, flour, egg, and coating. If you’re using frozen fish, defrost it thoroughly. […]

NURS FPX 4060 Evaluation 3NURS FPX 4060 Evaluation 3

 Understanding NURS FPX 4060 Evaluation 3 Plan of NURS FPX 4060 Course Significance of Examination 3 in the Illuminating strategy nurs fpx 4060 assessment 3 Learning Targets and Goals Exploring Nursing Preparing: Sorting out NURS FPX 4060 Evaluation 3 Readiness of NURS FPX 4060 Examination 3. In the constantly making field of nursing, instructing expects […]


Create Profile at: Train.org – **The required fields must be completed in order to launch the webinar. Watch the 60 minute webinar called “2014 Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals” – In order to view webinar go to “Course Catalog” and type in the search box “2014 Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals”. Complete and […]


Directions for Research Report: The idea behind the research report is to allow you to research, explore, and dive into a topic that will have effect on your future (related to service/ service leadership/quality assurance/customer relationship management, etc. This is your last chance to learn or refine knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA’s) prior to entering […]