Discipline: Biology


Add all 20 individual measurements and divide by the total number of snow peas measured (20). This will give you the average, or mean, snow pea length in your sample. Mean length: _______ mm


To examine the variation in your sample (of 10), find the longest snow pea, and the shortest. The difference between them is the range of measurements. Longest: _______  mm Shortest:  _______ mm Subtract the shortest one from the longest. This gives the range:   _______

quick respondquick respond

  1.The Furkids and ASPCA commercials both aim to appeal to viewers’ emotions in order to persuade them to take action. The Furkids commercial primarily uses humor and cuteness to engage the audience. This appeal is effective because it grabs the viewers’ attention and creates a positive association with the brand. The use of humor […]

Discussion: The Three AppealsDiscussion: The Three Appeals

  For this discussion you will first need to read the following chapters in WWM Chapter 10: What is Rhetoric, Chapter 12: The Rhetorical Situation, and Chapter 43:Visual Rhetoric. You will analyze two commercials in your 250 word Initial Post: FurkidsLinks to an external site. and ASPCALinks to an external site. The questions: What appeals […]


Understanding fluid and electrolyte or acid-base balance can be particularly difficult, especially for new nursing students.  Share with the class your preferred method of learning and understanding these complex processes and Share any links to outside resources that you have found helpful. Next, create a challenge question for your classmates to see if they can […]


After completing the above procedure, answer the following questions. a. What is the purpose of adding meat tenderizer to the banana? b. Why filter the banana after blending it? c. What two things does the detergent do in this process? d. Why add alcohol to the filtered banana mixture? e. Could you perform a similar […]


  For this assignment, you will apply what you have learned to your current profession, interests, or a specific audience (for example, school board members, educational organizations) and create an infographic that justifies the importance of emotional intelligence (EI), Implicit bias, racial microaggressions, and stereotype threats, and the relationship between EI, DEI, and social justice. […]


1. Name 2.  I am taking this class because . . .  3. My college and professional goals are . . . 4. am excited to contribute to our class . . . 5. Something I would like to share about myselfis  . . . Your answers should be a half to one page in […]


  New technology—and the application of existing technology—only appears in healthcare settings after careful and significant research. The stakes are high, and new clinical systems need to offer evidence of positive impact on outcomes or efficiencies. Nurse informaticists and healthcare leaders formulate clinical system strategies. As these strategies are often based on technology trends, informaticists […]