Discipline: Biology

Personal StatementPersonal Statement

Please provide a statement of no less than 500 words on your interest in the profession of Dental Hygiene and your reason for selecting the New York University College of Dentistry Dental Hygiene Program. Please do your research on the field. Do not copy and paste facts about hygienists from other websites. This is your […]

Biology Module 7 assignmentBiology Module 7 assignment

Assignment Create a chart to list the five brands (advertisers), campaign names, media used, and why it was innovative. Please note: This is a team assignment. You will submit a total of 5 brands. Please make sure as a team you are really researching these brands. Make sure to look at possible competitors to begin your […]

Working OutlineWorking Outline

 Now that you have a topic for your informational, policy, and call to action speeches, it’s time to start creating outlines. Use the sample structure for a working outline found in Chapter 12.2 to create a working outline for each of your speeches. Attach these outlines as a single document. 

Speech TopicSpeech Topic

  It’s time to get things in order! What I want you to do is answer the questions below in one document and then submit your document to me so that I can review your speech topic and provide some guidance as we move in to actually giving our speeches. So, here are the questions […]

Chapter 15 ReviewChapter 15 Review

  Janet knew that her argument was really weak. She kept looking at the data trying to find a way around the weakness. Finally, it hit her. She realized that she could hide the weakest part of her argument in a really complex presentation aid. If the people can’t understand it, they can’t use it […]

Chapter 14 ReviewChapter 14 Review

  Sam wanted to present a speech on medical errors. He has procrastinated. Two days before the speech, he realized that no matter how hard he worked, his speech would be weak, and he could not do it justice. Instead of choosing a less technical topic or narrowing to one specific kind of medical mistake, […]

Chapter 13 ReviewChapter 13 Review

  Jonathan knows he hasn’t really prepared for his speech very well. Instead of going to the library, he went to a party over the weekend. Instead of finding supporting evidence, he went to the movies with his best friend. Two days before he’s going to give his speech, Jonathan decides that he won’t even […]


 The director for Weight Watchers International wants to determine if a change in their program results in better weight loss at the 5% significance level. She selected 25 Weight Watcher members at random. The weight of each member was recorded at the start and end of the program 6 months later.  The results are in […]

Biology Assignment help in singaporeBiology Assignment help in singapore

In Singapore, finding reliable <a href=”https://www.greatassignmenthelp.com/sg/ “>assignment help </a> is crucial for academic success. Numerous online platforms cater to students’ needs, offering expert assistance in various subjects. These services provide tailored guidance, ensuring assignments meet the high academic standards set by Singaporean institutions. Professional writers, well-versed in the local education system, offer insightful perspectives and […]