Discipline: Biology

diversity of plantsdiversity of plants

There are more than 300,000 species of plants that have been identified thus far in the world today; many new species are being discovered each year. In addition to providing most of the oxygen for land animals, plants do many other things for us. For Week 2, after you have completed the readings (Chapters 18-21) […]

discussion organismsdiscussion organisms

MUST be in your own words. Do NOT copy and paste from the Internet. You MAY use quotes from a source, but those quotes will NOT count towards your 250 word count requirement. Please do not plagiarize. If you use a quote, you MUST put quotation marks around it AND you MUST cite the source […]

Research diseaseResearch disease

Choose one of the following diseases*: Crohn’s Disease Multiple Sclerosis Myasthenia Gravis Celiac Disease Conduct research online in order to answer the following questions: What are the cellular/molecular mechanisms that underlie this disease? (What are actual “abnormalities” or “deficiencies” causing the disease?) How common is this disease? Are there any particular susceptibility groups? (Be sure to also […]

Research one of the following types of transplantation: heart, liver, kidney, lung, bone marrow.Research one of the following types of transplantation: heart, liver, kidney, lung, bone marrow.

Briefly describe the types of ailments that might require such a transplant. How are donors selected and how is this transplant done? How successful is this type of transplant? What are the greatest risks involved with this kind of transplant? What kinds of therapeutic regimen do the transplant recipients follow? What are the benefits/risks of […]

Journal EntryJournal Entry

Revisit the goals and objectives from your Practicum Experience Plan. Explain the degree to which you achieved each during the practicum experience. Reflect on the three (3) most challenging patients you encountered during the practicum experience. What was most challenging about each? What did you learn from this experience? What resources did you have available? […]

Biology Assignment: Prokaryotes in Society Website Recommendation BlogBiology Assignment: Prokaryotes in Society Website Recommendation Blog

Part 1: Initial Blog Post on Prokaryotes in Society Prokaryotic organisms like bacteria and archaea have a variety roles in society from causing foodborne illnesses (i.e. Salmonella, E.coli and Listeria), being involved in symbiotic relationships (Rhizobium and nitrogen fixation) and they have medicinal purposes (i.e. production of antibodies) to name a few. For Week 1, […]

discussion biologydiscussion biology

All organisms affect the evolution of the other organisms in their biological community. Flowering plants probably are the reason insects developed wings, and insects almost certainly are responsible for the development of showy flowers and sweet nectar because they would pollinate only those plants having these attributes. Human beings can also be considered “agents of selection” […]