Discipline: Biology


  Instructions Objective: Select a publication or a newspaper article on a pathogen, apply knowledge learned in BIOS242, and write a paper. The goal for this project is: to make connections between concepts learned in the course and what is observed in a health care setting to understand real-life applications of Microbiology Project Parameters: For […]


 Answer the questions in the provided Microsoft Excel document and save your responses. Provide resources in APA format to support your answers.  Microsoft Office: Excel


1.  Market Outlook.  Describe current and expected market conditions, competition, and expectations for the coming years.    2. SWOT  Provide a SWOT analysis of your company. The SWOT is a Summary of the Situation Analysis. 


  Some microorganisms like Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Yesinia pestis, E. coli can cause diseases of different body systems. Let’s investigate how the same pathogen is responsible for different pathophysiological symptoms. First, choose a microorganism found in multiple systems. Then, describe your pathogen’s role in disease for one body system: report the disease caused, the normal function […]

Reply to Ej postReply to Ej post

The importance of revising my article is very important, it allows me to use proper feedback and advise to perfect and reformat my article. this is critical because without proper feedback my article can lack depth, this can make my article flat and undesirable to read. There are many things that I can do to […]

Respond to John PostRespond to John Post

Revising your ideas is important mainly because you need to rethink certain ways of writing or if you are trying to plan some big social gathering for friends and family. Like me I am currently making a home made campaign story for some friends in the D&D world. I am constantly revising ideas for different […]

Vitamins and MultivitaminsVitamins and Multivitamins

  Step 1: Choose a single vitamin or multivitamin supplement that has been promoted for a targeted population.  Example: Certain age group, health condition, or gender group (men’s health, women’s health).  In a one-to-two-page paper, address the following: (40 points) Investigate the rationale for the vitamin composition of the vitamin.  Determine what natural food sources can give the same nutritional benefits […]

Vitamins and MultivitaminsVitamins and Multivitamins

  Step 1: Choose a single vitamin or multivitamin supplement that has been promoted for a targeted population.  Example: Certain age group, health condition, or gender group (men’s health, women’s health).  In a one-to-two-page paper, address the following: (40 points) Investigate the rationale for the vitamin composition of the vitamin.  Determine what natural food sources can give the same nutritional benefits […]

Biology AssignmentBiology Assignment

Search through the current news cycle on the internet for an interesting article or news story that involves medically-relevant microbes. Any topics that are related to medically-relevant microbes, disease, outbreaks, or other microbial interactions with humans (either positive or negative) will be accepted. Be clear when answering the following questions: (Each answer should be about […]


the roles of CD8 and CD4 in the interaction of TCR with MHC class I and MHC class II Conduct a search of online immunology websites that relate to the topic. Choose a website that has not already been reported on, and write a research report of one or two paragraphs (150-400 words) describing the […]