Discipline: Biology

Workbook 5Workbook 5

Read Strunk & White chapters that relate to the exercises. Complete the workbook exercises listed below. Keep in mind that some answers are in the workbook; these exercises are meant to develop you as a writer, so only check these answers after doing the exercises. Otherwise, you ultimately cheat yourself from the learning process.   […]

Article SummaryArticle Summary

1. Each group member should choose one of the individuals they selected (from either List A or List B) in Individual Assignment #5 question 1, and then use both the “evaluating information toolbox 1-3” (see attachments) and lateral reading (website evaluation cards and glossary of terms – see attachments) to determine whether the individual shares […]


  Pipetting: Master the technique Learning objectives Select the correct micropipette for its purpose Use the two stops of the pipette Explain pipetting techniques Perform a serial dilution Quantify the protein content in a sample with a Bradford assay Lab techniques Serial dilution Bradford assay Pipetting


 Answer the questions in the provided Microsoft PowerPoint document and save your responses. Provide resources in APA format to support your answers. 


 Your friend Bruce calls in a panic. He has just come from the doctor and been diagnosed with a bacterial infection. The doctor told him not to worry; his B cells will take care of it in no time! Knowing that you are studying the immune response, he is calling to ask you to explain […]