Discipline: Biology


  I need a paper written on National Women Month I need you write the struggle that women face in the workplace and in society. Write about the past on how women were treated when it came to voting and working. Write about the unfair pay women get and doing the same job as men. […]


  Students will critique research in business administration from the perspective of their doctoral-level practice, demonstrate subject matter expertise in business administration, and synthesize a personal code of ethics that incorporates the Virtuous Business Model. Need in APA format and 5-7 pages

week 3 biolweek 3 biol

  Energy Releasing Pathways This discussion has two parts. Be sure to address both parts. Part 1: Below are a few questions that will help you think about how our bodies convert energy rich foods to molecules like ATP that can be used to power our bodies. Take a question or two and expand on […]


Search through the current news cycle on the internet for an interesting article or news story that involves medically-relevant microbes. Any topics that are related to medically-relevant microbes, disease, outbreaks, or other microbial interactions with humans (either positive or negative) will be accepted. The article or news story must have been released less than a […]

case studycase study

Choose one of the following diseases: X-linked Agammaglobulinemia CD40 Ligand Deficiency Acitvation-Induced Cytidine Deaminase Deficiency Common Variable Immunodeficiency answer the following questions: What are the cellular/molecular mechanisms that underlie this disease? (What are actual “abnormalities” or “deficiencies” causing the disease?) How common is this disease? Are there any particular susceptibility groups? (Be sure to also consider any […]


   Pasteurization and Sterilization Learning: Understand the concept of food spoilage and shelf life Understand the principle of pasteurization and sterilization Analyze the parameters of High-Temperature-Time-Treatment (HTST) pasteurization Perform canning as a method of sterilization Understand how plastic and metal can be used as materials for packaging Lab techniques Using a pH meter Aerobic plate […]

Cellular structureCellular structure

  (Students will apply the concepts involved in cellular structure and function.) (Students will apply how living organisms operate as systems.) Understanding the basic unit of life, cells, is key in understanding basic biology. Write a 2 page paper on how cells utilize their cellular structure and thereby function, to operate as a system. Your […]

Pain O Soma 500mgPain O Soma 500mg

   When one’s body is injured or damaged, they feel pain, a tangible emotion. It is a response to harmful stimuli, and its severity can range from mild to severe. same to getting Pain O Soma 500mg delivered to your house The body responds to pain by defending itself against further damage and, if required, […]