Discipline: Biology


  Section 1: How You Have Changed Throughout the Course (2-3 pages) This section should focusing on how you have changed throughout the course by drawing connections to the readings, lessons, and assignments to explain and explore the ways you have developed. Discuss at least the top five most important things you felt you learned […]

What is AngularJS and Web Application DevelopmentWhat is AngularJS and Web Application Development

What is Angular? An open-source JavaScript framework called AngularJS enables programmers to build interactive and dynamic web apps. By offering a number of pre-built components and features like two-way data binding, dependency injection, and directives, it streamlines the creation of web applications. Developers can create scalable, maintainable web apps with ease using AngularJS. http://bit.ly/3T6zRje

Week 1 discussion biologyWeek 1 discussion biology

Science can be defined as a systematic approach to acquiring knowledge. Science is based upon facts and evidence rather than beliefs or superstitions. To understand Biology and science, you must first examine how scientific knowledge is obtained.  Science is a process that involves several steps.  Read the description of the steps involved in the scientific […]

Week 1 assignment Nutrition intakeWeek 1 assignment Nutrition intake

The Nutritional Intake Assignment has two components that must be completed: (1) Food Intake Journal and (2) Reflection Post. (1) Food Intake Journal: All three days must be completed within the Excel journal with all food, food stuffs and beverages documented with their respective nutrient composition. NOTE: enter only the number values; no units like g (grams) are […]

nur419 Module 2 Discussionnur419 Module 2 Discussion

 Never Events” & Your Clinical Project    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) formed its no-pay policy based on the growing work of National Quality Forum (NQF) of “never events.” Meaning, CMS will no longer pay for certain conditions that result from what might be termed poor practice or events that should never […]

nur-419 Module 1 Discussionnur-419 Module 1 Discussion

 Leader vs. Manager    Explain, with concrete examples, the differences among leadership, management, and followership. Then, discuss the following: At times, do the examples overlap with a nurse acting in all three capacities at the same time? Are two of the three capacities more likely to overlap? If yes, which two capacities? Pick a current […]

rel-2300 Module 3 Discussionrel-2300 Module 3 Discussion

 Judaism Discussion    After studying Module 3: Lecture Materials & Resources, as well as reviewing the Judaism Resources page, discuss the following: In your reading of Chapter 10 – Encountering Judaism: The Way of God’s People as well as the other readings for the week, you have gained a better understanding of central themes of […]

REL -2300REL -2300

 Catholicism Written Report  If preferred: Download Report InstructionsDownload Download Report Instructions Report Instructions: In your readings from the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church you gleaned a better understanding of the what the Catholic Church’s teachings are on specific theological topics.   You will now use […]

Cancer research projectCancer research project

There are two types of surveillance for diseases of interest, which are active and passive. Cancer  is the disease you need to research for this project. Answer the following questions: 1. Does the disease I selected have active or passive surveillance systems in place and why? (300 minimum words for passive surveillance) and (300 minimum words […]